Connect Foro 8 Seater Meeting Table

Connect Foro 8 Seater Meeting Table

Project Description:
Location: London and Malaysia
Connect - Foro is conceived as a floating surface that brings people together. With its name derived from the Roman forum, the ‘coming together’ experience can be enhanced by a digitally printing the surface with images or logos.
You will create, in an instant, many gestalt moments in your work place. Connect - Foro can be specified for meeting rooms, boardrooms, CEOs, VPs and VVPs or senior managers who will conduct ad-hoc meetings in their rooms, or senior planners who simply need more surface for their activities.
Project status: Prototype stage in development

6 People Seater Meeting Table - Axonometry

8 People Seater Meeting Table - Axonometry

8 People Seater Meeting Table - Front View

Detail of Foro Meeting Table

8 People Seater Meeting Table with Personalized Desktop